Saturday, February 28, 2015


We all know the old saying, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  Being in a rut myself, I know how hard this is to do.  I have put a lot of time and effort into my small handmade business, and I am feeling defeated right now.  I LOVE it and couldn't live without it, but it just isn't bringing in the interest I hope it will every day.  And that is O.K.  To supplement my income and boost morale, I have come up with what feels like an exciting and crazy idea, yet something I know I'll be really good at and most importantly its something that allows me to be creative and collaborate! So here it is...

I am starting a small party planning business in addition to my current jewelry and lifestyle accessories endeavors. BB Parties is a culmination of a background in interior design, a love of kids, and a highly organized work ethic.  It is more than anything, my lemonade.  Blue Brooklyn Jewelry ( was founded in 2012 after a summer of deep contemplation about how I want to make money.  I began making jewelry and immediately fell in love with using my hands.  Since then I have expanded to ceramics, fabric printing, sewing, and soap making.  I became ill recently and had to miss several days of work.  Stressed about a tight financial situation, I found myself pondering again, how I can make ends meet creatively.  The idea to do something fun and help others have fun, while using my skills, and bringing in extra income was born. Life gave me lemons and BB Parties is my lemonade : ) Birthday parties here I come!

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