Saturday, March 7, 2015

Behind the Scenes: Images from Blue Brooklyn Studio

Hello! This week, it was especially hard to get up every morning and leave my maker space behind (my studio is my bedroom) to go to my day job.  So today I decided to share some images from my beloved space and relish in my being able to stay here and create for the weekend.
This is the newest addition to the studio (above!), my coworker and friend brought it back from a recent trip to Baja California. Gracias Sandra! Beautiful things, especially when they're from nature, are good for inspiration.
The painted cork boards were a recent project. I simply used tape to make the shapes and acrylic paint.  A student of mine and his mama made the Emily sign for Valentine's sweet.  
This wall is a bit more personal, love notes, a picture with grandpa, and a necklace I made (Marilyn Tribal), adorn the workspace next to my computer, providing inspiration daily.
This paper garland is a recent experiment with my new (old) sewing machine and a hexagon obsession. 
I love the intimacy of working from home.  When I'm at work and my boyfriend is home, he uses my desk as his workspace.  His watch and headphones have been left behind here (and I don't mind). Also more hexagons! Always.
Feathers, buttons, an owl stamp, and of course multi-colored dice. Duh. This is the shelf over my desk that my dear friend Joel put up for me. Supportive friends are a must!
Some old collages, my dear paint brushes and my personal jewelry.  I like the aesthetics of mixing things I've made with the personal items I've collected.
Until next time!

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